With its soft green tones and inherent charm, Prehnite creates a peaceful ambiance wherever it’s placed.
Prehnite is a mineral composed of calcium aluminum silicate, often forming in botryoidal, globular, or stalactitic structures. The stone typically appears in delicate shades of pale green to yellow-green, though variations in white, grey, or colorless hues can occasionally be found. Its vitreous to pearly luster enhances its visual appeal, making it a sought-after specimen among mineral collectors and those interested in gemstones. It forms in diverse geological settings, including cavities in volcanic rocks and within hydrothermal veins.
A beautiful and calming gemstone, Prehnite is prized for its soothing energy, making it an excellent choice for relaxation and peaceful spaces. This stone is especially favored by collectors and gemstone enthusiasts alike. Prehnite serves as a powerful meditation aid, helping to establish a deeper connection with the energy grid of the universe and facilitating communication with spiritual guides, such as angels. It is also considered a protective stone, useful for gridding and bringing tranquility into the home.
Prehnite is often referred to as a stone of will, aligning with our heart’s true desires while working for the greater good. It is beneficial for soothing fears, anxieties, and phobias, promoting a sense of living in the present moment and reducing worry about the future. This crystal strengthens our inner power, rooted in love, and enhances intuition and precognition, providing support for clear planning and manifestation.
Dimensions: 3"x1.75"x.5"
Weight: 2.9 oz
Chakras: Heart
Zodiac: Libra
Mohs: 6-6.5
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